Saturday, November 18, 2017

Turkey Bingo 2017

Turkey Bingo 2017

The baton, or is that the turkey baster, has successfully been passed to Teresa DeCesare, and she certainly rose to the occasion. She and her committee did an amazing job on this year's Turkey Bingo, making it another outstanding success. I am sure that Sue Farrell (the Turkey Bingo chair for the past 10 years) was there cheering her on and whispering in her ear answering all her questions and helping her to keep this PTSA event living up to the high quality, fun-filled family event it has always been. Thank you to everyone to had a part in the event, from getting donations for prizes, for donating to the grade level raffle baskets, to attending the event and spending your money to support the PTSA, Student Asset Committee, and the Nature's Classroom Committee with their fundraising efforts. 

Enjoy the photos!
All photos are available for you to download for your personal use.
click on the photo to be brought to a larger view

Turkey Bingo 2017

Turkey Bingo 2017 The baton, or is that the turkey baster, has successfully been passed to Teresa DeCesare, and she certainly rose to t...